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First lesson

A noun names a person , animal, place, thing, quality, idea , activity, or feeling. A noun can be singular and plural.So nouns are the basic building block of a sentence .

Naming People
It could be a name of any person, for example: John, 
Fatima,Singh, Michael, Tom and so on.

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Naming Places
It could be a name of any place, for example: America, China, Church, Taj Mahal, Paris and so on.
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Naming Things
Naming things are like Car, Hat, Bottle, Table, Chair, Ball and so on.

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Naming Animals
Dog, Rabbit, Elephant, Chicken, Horse.  

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Tom usually reads a book or works on his computer during the flight to Madrid .
Alex works as an analyst in an office in a big city .

I hope you benefited from this lesson
Next Lesson : Pronouns

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